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Mr Fothergills Wildflower Garden Wf Wildlife Mixture

Regular price £3.99
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Specially selected mix of attractive and rewarding wildflowers. A great source of food and habitat for wildlife. This seed mix contains 100% native British Produced Wild Flower seeds, including a selection of the varieties listed below:

Bird’s Foot Trefoil, Common - Lotus corniculatus Buttercup, Meadow -Ranunculus acris Campion, Red - Silene dioica Campion, White - Silene latifolia Clary, Wild - Salvia verbenaca Clover, Red (wild form) - Trifolium pratense Daisy, Oxeye - Leucanthemum vulgare Dandelion - Taraxacum officinale Evening Primrose, Common or Large Flowered - Oenothera biennis/Oenothera erythrosepala Foxglove - Digitalis purpurea Knapweed, Common - Centaurea nigra Mallow, Musk - Malva moschata Marjoram, Wild - Origanum vulgare Medick, Black - Medicago lupulina Melilot, Yellow - Melilotus officinalis Mullein, Great - Verbascum thapsus Mustard, Garlic - Alliaria petiolata Plantain, Ribwort - Plantago lanceolata Ragged Robin - Lychnis flos-cuculi Scabious, Devil’s Bit - Succisa pratensis Scabious, Field - Knautia arvensis Selfheal - Prunella vulgaris Teasel - Dipsacus fullonum ssp. Sylvestris Viper’s Bugloss - Echium vulgare Yarrow - Achillea millefolium

*Please note, we cannot guarantee all varieties will be included in each individual packet.
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